Sten Tikerpe
Legal Counsel, Attorney-at-law | Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/E)
Head of IT and Cybersecurity and Data Protection
+372 610 8033
+372 5330 7302
IT and Cybersecurity
Data protection
Relations with State, Policy Development, Research
Dispute Resolution
Intellectual Property
Construction, Design and Real Estate
Sten leads our IT and Cybersecurity practice area and advises NOVE’s clients on technology law, data protection and intellectual property issues. Sten also has extensive experience in construction and real estate law, which includes drafting of contracts as well as preventing and resolving disputes both in pre-trial stages and in court proceedings. Sten has represented various transaction parties in vast and technically complex proceedings, including legal disputes related to hidden defects.
Sten has worked in legal positions related to IT and cyber security since 2015. Just before joining NOVE, he was Head of IT Law at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications. Together with his team, Sten was responsible for legislative drafting and counselling related to the development of the state information system, innovative technologies and national IT developments. Sten has advocated for the development of an innovation-friendly judicial area and the interests of Estonian undertakings both at a national level and at the level of EU working groups. During his time counselling IT developments, he has consistently considered it important to ensure that legal requirements are taken into account throughout the development lifecycle, from planning to development and administration.
Previously, Sten has also worked in the crisis control department of the Ministry of the Interior, where he specialised in negotiations with market participants on telecommunications and electronic identity and the development of requirements for related critical services. Sten has also worked at Law Office Sorainen, where he focused on competition and technology law.
In addition to legal education and in order to better understand the needs of customers throughout the software development and administration lifecycle, Sten has also decided to further his technological education by undertaking MA studies in the Analysis and Design of Information Systems at Tallinn University of Technology. This knowledge has given him the ability to discuss specific issues not only with lawyers, but also directly with project managers, product owners and developers. In addition to his day job, Sten has also had the opportunity to practice law and negotiation skills at hackathons organised by Garage48 where he has assisted teams as a legal mentor.
Since 2018, Sten has been supervising students’ research papers within the framework of the University of Tartu’s MA programme on IT Law. Sten is also a member of the programme council for the curriculum on IT law, which is responsible for advising the programme director on preparing the curriculum. His role is to represent the expectations of the professional labour market.
In addition to his studies at the University of Tartu, Sten practiced at the Ministry of Justice, Law Office Sorainen and Law Office Jesse & Kalaus. Furthermore, during his studies, he was actively involved in the activities of the European Law Students’ Union and participated in the moot court competitions of the European Union where he and the University of Tartu team reached the regional final held in Paris.
Work experience
2024–... | Law office NOVE, Attorney-at-law |
2022–2024 | Law office NOVE, Attorney |
2022 | Law office NOVE, Legal Counsel |
2018–2021 | Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, State Information Systems Department, Head of IT-Law |
2017–2018 | Ministry of the Interior, Consultant on vital services |
2015–2017 | Law Office Sorainen, Legal Assistant |
2024 | International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/E) |
2020–2023 | Tallinn University of Technology, Analysis and Design of Information Systems, MA (cum laude) |
2016–2018 | University of Tartu, Faculty of Law, MA |
2013–2016 | University of Tartu, Faculty of Law, BA |
Estonian Bar Association |
Estonian Bar Association Intellectual Property and IT Law Committee |
Programme council for the curriculum on IT law at the University of Tartu |
- NOVE conducted a data protection audit on the personal data processing of students of The Estonian Academy of Security Sciences 1.01.2024
- NOVE conducted complex legal analysis of IT and cybersecurity sector commissioned by the Estonian Information and Communication Technology Centre 26.07.2023
- Preparation of procurement documentation for the public procurement "Analysis of the Judicial Area Related to the Provision and Use of the State Private Cloud Service, Potential Bottlenecks and Solution Proposals" 20.12.2021
- Participation in the drafting of legislation transposing the Directive on open data and the re-use of public sector information (Open Data Directive) 17.11.2021
- Participation in the preparation of the digital society development plan "Estonian Digital Society 2030" 26.10.2021
- Drafting of the Identity Documents Act, the Electronic Identification and Trust Services for Electronic Transactions Act and the State Fees Act regulating the evaluation of the assurance level of private means of electronic identification 29.09.2021
- Preparation of a draft law amending the State Assets Act, establishing the concept of state software and the principles for its distribution to the public 12.05.2021
- Development of a draft regulation of the Government of the Republic on the automatic forwarding of e-mails during the COVID-19 crisis 18.03.2021
- Organising training on technology-neutral legislation in the framework of the 2019 legislators' conference "Legislation of the Future" 15.11.2019
- Participation in the drafting of the Public Information Act, transposing the Directive on the requirements for accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies, and in the preparation of the draft regulation of the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology detailing such requirements 24.10.2018
- Participation in the working group on the transposition of the Directive on security of networks and information systems (NIS Directive) in the framework of drafting the Cybersecurity Act 22.05.2018
- Sten Tikerpe koolitus: Uus EL küberturbedirektiiv (NIS 2) – mida peab teadma Eesti ettevõtja? 23.01.2025
- Sten Tikerpe koolitus: GDPRi rakendamise probleemidest praktikas ning värske kohtupraktika, 08.11.2024
- Sten Tikerpe: andmeleketest võib saada meie uus reaalsus. ERR, 05.04.2024
- Sten Tikerpe rääkis idapartnerlusriikide delegatsiooni koolituspäeval isikuandmete kaitse üldmääruse rakendamisest, 15.02.2024
- Sten Tikerpe: ID-kaardi viimine mobiili väärib enam juriidilist tähelepanu. ERR, 29.01.2024
- Veebikoolitus: GDPRi praktiline rakendamine ettevõttes – mida teha ja millest alustada? 18.10.2023
- Sten Tikerpe andis GDPR-i 5. aastapäeva konverentsil ülevaate andmekaitse praktikast ja väljakutsetest, 25.05.2023
- Sten Tikerpe rääkis tehisintellekti (AI) teemalisel seminaril tehnoloogilise ja juriidilise maailma kokkupuutepunktidest, 10.05.2023
- Sten Tikerpe provided comments to international publication CEE Legal Matters on NOVE team’s experience in providing legal advice on innovative services, 13.03.2023
- Tikerpe, S. Advokaat selgitab: milliseid muudatusi toob EL-i uus küberturvalisuse direktiiv? Ärigeenius, 09.12.2022
- Koolitus “Elutähtsa teenuse osutaja küberturvalisuse ja andmekaitse olulised nõuded“. Eest Koolitus- ja Konverentsikeskus, 26.08.2022
- Tikerpe, S. Advokaat Sten Tikerpe: millised on 5 olulisemat muudatust küberturvalisuse seaduses? Ärigeenius, 03.08.2022
- Tikerpe, S. Advokaadi soovitused ettevõtetele: kuidas vältida valvekaamerate kasutamisel õiguslikke sekeldusi? Ärigeenius, 06.05.2022
- Tikerpe, S. Ekspert selgitab: kui dokument on e-allkirjastatud erinevates riikides, siis millise riigi õigus sellele kohaldub? DigiPRO, 23.02.2022
- Tikerpe, S. Kas ja kuidas reguleerida iduettevõtete tooteid ja teenuseid. Postimees, 02.10.2019
Estonian, English