Marika Mugur

Head of Architectural Design
Head of Employment Relations

+372 610 8011
+372 529 9929

Construction, Design and Real Estate
Employment relations
Dispute Resolution
Insurance Law
General Contract Law
Enforcement, Reorganisation and Bankruptcy Proceedings
Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) and Corporate Law
Intellectual Property


Attorney-at-law Marika Mugur leads design and architecture sector group in NOVE. Marika assists and advises clients in drafting different contracts and represents the clients in various disputes, including arbitration.

In addition to legal studies Marika has acquired a higher education in applied architecture which enables her to combine technical and legal knowledge in advising the clients in design, construction, and planning matters. Marika has a vast experience in insurance disputes and, also in insurance regulatory cases. As an experienced dispute-lawyer Marika has a solid background for drafting contracts and advising the clients in relation to the contracts.

Marika started working as a lawyer in 2003 in insurance company Seesam, where her main tasks included the preparation of standard terms, advising the claims handling process and litigation.

In 2006, Marika started working in Sorainen, and in 2007, she became a member of the Estonian Bar Association. She has represented clients in a wide variety of cases (in disputes related to law of obligations, property law and corporate law), as well as in extrajudicial disputes (preparing complaints and claims, compromise negotiations). Marika also has extensive experience in advising clients on insurance law, e.g., insurance companies cross-border mergers, questions concerning regulation of insurance activities and insurance mediation.

In 2014 Marika became an Attorney at Law and joined NOVE. In NOVE Marika has represented clients in a wide variety of litigation cases and extrajudicial disputes (including large-scale insurance disputes) and advised in contractual matters (including drafting design- and construction contracts). Marika has also assisted clients in relation to option programs (including drafting option agreements) and employment law matters.

As a highly appreciated legal adviser on insurance law Marika has been recommended by the international publication Best Lawyers giving reviews of legal markets. In 2014, the Best Lawyers gave Marika the title of the “Lawyer of the Year” in Estonia in the field of insurance law.

In addition to studying law, Marika has also a technical education – in 2016, she acquired a diploma in applied architecture from the TTK University of Applied Sciences. Marika therefore has a sharp mind for solving technical problems, as well as a deeper understanding of the planning, design, and construction process.


Work experience

2016–… Law Office NOVE, Attorney-at-law
2006–2016 Law Office SORAINEN, Lawyer, Attorney
2003–2006 Seesam Rahvusvaheline Kindlustuse AS (at present Compensa Vienna Insurance Group, ADB Eesti filiaal), Lawyer


2016 TKK University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Architectural and Environmental Engineering (diploma)
2005 University of Tartu, Estonia, BA in Law (equated to MA degree), including exchange studies at the Erasmus University Rotterdam


Estonian Bar Association
Estonian Moot Court Association


  • Our attorneys Marika Mugur and Triin Tiru have advised various technology companies in relation to option programs and in drafting option agreements 09.05.2022
  • NOVE successfully defended the insurer against a vast insurance compensation claim related to a fire 15.02.2021
  • Our attorney-at-law Marika Oksaar advised and represented an architectural design company against a compensation claim in relation to the liability of a designer. 05.05.2021
  • Our attorneys Marika Oksaar and Urmas Volens represented the client in the Court of Arbitration in a dispute related to a subcontract agreement. The dispute was mainly about interpretation of different fee arrangements in the contract and its amendments, as well as its interrelations with the contact with the main contractor. 19.10.2018
  • Our attorney-at-law Marika Oksaar Mugur represented an insurance company in dispute related to professional liability of an architect 28.08.2017


Estonian, English