Mari Past
Attorney-at-law, Partner
Head of Medical and Competition Law
+372 610 8033
+372 5620 8625
Competition Law
Data Protection
Medical Law
Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) and Corporate Law
General Contract Law
Intellectual Property
Attorney-at-law Mari Past’s experience in the field of data protection, healthcare and competition law allows NOVE’s customers to prevent disputes. Mari focuses on the rules governing the activities of an entrepreneur and her timely and accurate advice can prevent a long and debilitating dispute.
In the wake of entry into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Mari conducts data protection audits and drafts impact assessments and privacy policies; helps keep record of processing activities and conclude data processing agreements between data controllers and processors; compiles and communicates internal data protection rules in companies; supplements employment and service provision agreements. One of the highlights of Mari’s work on data protection is advising the University of Tartu on the use of the Estonian Biobank, a database of genetic and health data of more than 200 000 people in Estonia, in research aimed at medical innovation.
In the heavily regulated sector of healthcare, Mari has a long track record of helping clients stay compliant with the complex regulatory framework. Mari has advised institutions of stationary and ambulatory medical treatment, international pharmaceutical corporations, merchants of medical devices, clinical research organisations and umbrella organisations in medical sector.
Mari has 10 years of experience in EU and Estonian competition law, advising clients in merger control, supply, sales and cooperation agreements, and on business restrictions of dominant undertakings.
Mari holds a Master’s degree in law from University of Oxford, in addition to Master’s degree from Tartu University. At Oxford, Mari focused on medical, competition and EU law. She has worked in London headquarters of a global law firm, in a larger pan-Baltic law firm as head of practice area, as well as in a smaller boutique law firm as partner.
In additon to legal practice, Mari has read competition law to Master programme students of Tartu University for 10 years. She is a member of management board of Oxford and Cambridge alumni organisation in Estonia and a member of supervisory board of the charity foundation supporting the activities of the top competence centre of neurological rehabilitation in Estonia, Haapsalu Neorological Rehabilitation Centre.
Work experience
2018–... | Law Office NOVE, Attorney-at-law, Partner |
2015–2018 | Law Office Jesse & Kalaus, Attorney-at-law, Partner |
2013–... | University of Tartu, Lecturer of Competition Law |
2012 | Law Office Holman Fenwick Willan, London |
2011 | Georgetown University, Teaching Assistant, summer programme |
2010-2015 | Law Office SORAINEN, Lawyer, Attorney-at-law, Head of Medical and Life Sciences |
2011-2012 | University of Oxford, Master of Laws (Magister Juris) |
2009-2011 | University of Tartu, Master of Laws (MA) cum laude |
2006-2009 | University of Tartu, Bachelor’s Degree in Law (BA) cum laude |
2008 | Georgetown University summer programme „American Institute on Political and Economic Systems“ |
Estonian Bar Association |
Oxford & Cambridge Club Estonia, member of the board |
Haapsalu Neuroloogilise Rehabilitatsioonikeskuse Toetusfond SA, member of the council |
Legal 500 Next Generation Partner in EU and Competition practice area 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020:
“Partner Mari Past has been excellent in delivering thorough and business orientated legal advice. She has been exceptionally accessible, up-to-date with the latest practices and very business minded.”Chambers Europe outstanding expert in competition/antitrust practice area 2023, 2022, 2020, 2019:
“She is very proactive – that is a strength – and she follows up with her clients continually.”
“I think her proactivity and the way she looks after the client’s interest are exceptional.”
- NOVE conducted a data protection audit on the personal data processing of students of The Estonian Academy of Security Sciences 1.01.2024
- NOVE conducted complex legal analysis of IT and cybersecurity sector commissioned by the Estonian Information and Communication Technology Centre 26.07.2023
- NOVE advised Value.Space on raising €2.1 million 22.05.2023
- NOVE advises University of Tartu in relation with the Estonian Biobank 24.11.2022
- Mari Past advised Armin Karu, one of the producers of “Melchior the Apothecary”, on legal issues related to the production of the film
Scientific publications
- Past, M. Human Rights. Õiguskantsleri Kantselei. Tallinn 2022. Co-author
- Matjus, M., Haamer, M. eHealth. Under What Conditions Can A Patient’s Health Data Be Forwarded To Another EU Member State? Juridica 2014, No 5, pp 361-373
- Mari Past juhtis Andmekaitse Inspektsiooni 25. juubeliaasta konverentsi paneeldiskussiooni “Eriliiki isikuandmed, kas ka eriline kaitse?” 20.02.2024
- Naised advokaadibüroode tipus: Mari Past. Eesti Advokatuur, 25.05.2021
- Advokaat: kaks aastat andmekaitsemäärust ehk andmekaitse kui uue ajastu relv. Ärileht, 25.05.2020
- Rangemad alkoholipiirangud on õigustatud. Eesti Päevaleht, 02.02.2016
- Patsiendi terviseandmete edastamisel teise ELi riiki on tähtis teada erisusi riigiti. Meditsiiniuudised, 17.11.2014
- Koostööklaster tõi kokku advokaadid ja raviasutused. Meditsiiniuudised, 07.02.2014
- Lubatu ja keelatu ähmane piir. Postimees, 31.07.2013
- Kuidas püsida konkurentsis seadust rikkumata? E24, 08.06.2013
- Kindlat müügihinda ei saa nõuda! Kaubandus.ee, 06.06.2013
- Kas arst võib ravida teadvusetut patsienti? Meditsiiniuudised, 05.02.2013
- Riigiabi – ohtlik tont või «elu võimalus»? E24, 27.01.2013
- 10 näpunäidet kuidas riigiabi probleeme ennetada. Äripäev, 26.01.2013
- Ettevõtja, hoolitse ise, et riigiabi oleks seaduslik. Äripäev, 26.01.2013
- Assessment of non-horizontal mergers in Estonia, European Competition Law Review, 16.12.2010
Estonian, English