Kristiina Koll
Legal Counsel
+372 610 8030
+372 5561 8621
General Contract Law
Relations with State, Policy Development, Research
Dispute Resolution
Construction, Design and Real Estate
European Law
Legal counsel Kristiina Koll specialises in and advises NOVE’s attorneys mainly on private law matters.
Before joining NOVE, Kristiina worked as an adviser at the Private Law Division of the Ministry of Justice. Her main task at the ministry was the preparation of various analyses and legislative amendments in the area of law of obligations, which has given her a wealth of experience in the Estonian legislative process. Among other things, she has been involved in drafting amendments to the rules on consumer credit, interest on arrears, recovery costs, package travel and residential rental contracts.
Kristiina has extensive knowledge of European Union lawmaking and long-term experience in participating in various working groups of the Council of the European Union and the Commission and representing the interests of Estonia. During the Estonian presidency, Kristiina participated as an expert in completing the procedures related to the consumer sales and digital content directives.
Kristiina is currently pursuing a PhD in Law at the University of Tartu. Her thesis focuses on contracts for the transfer of digital content and provision of digital services.
* According to Art 40 (3) of the Bar Association Act counsel does not provide legal services. Counsel is assisting the attorneys.
Work experience
2022–… | Law Office NOVE, Legal Counsel |
2009–2021 | Ministry of Justice, Adviser to the Private Law Division |
2014 March–April | traineeship at the German Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection |
2020–… | University of Tartu, Faculty of Law, PhD |
2024 | research work within the framework of doctoral studies, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany |
2023 | research work within the framework of doctoral studies, University of Göttingen, Germany |
2022 | research work within the framework of doctoral studies, University of Bayreuth, Germany |
2009–2011 | University of Tartu, Faculty of Law, MA |
2006–2009 | University of Tartu, Faculty of Law, BA |
Scientific publications
- Koll, K. Qualification of Consumer Contracts for the Supply of Digital Services under Estonian Law, Juridica International 2021, No 30, pp 40-48
- Urgas, K., Koll, K. Nõutele vastavus ning ettevõtja vastutus uues digitaalse sisu ja teenuste lepingute direktiivis, Juridica 2019, No 8, pp 551-567
- Koll, K. Uued terminid võlaõigusseaduses tulenevalt hüpoteekkrediidi direktiivi ülevõtmisest, Ajakiri Õiguskeel, 2/2016
- Koll, K. Tarbija kaitsmine tarbijakrediidilepinguga seotud ebamõistlike kulude eest, Juridica 2015, No 4, pp 251-261
- Koll, K. Vastutustundliku laenamise põhimõte, Ajakiri Õiguskeel, 4/2011
Estonian, English, German